Thursday, March 2, 2006


"Till I loved, I never lived--Enough." (Emily Dickinson)

How powerful is love in someone's life? To make someone feel not alive yet before loving someone? Being alive is not just a matter of being born in this mortal world, taking a breath, doing some activities, bla bla bla ... but one thing must be done--loving.
Well, I myself talked to my someone special that I will never ever be able to write a single poem if I am not in love. I, out of the blue, become a poet when in love.
My curiosity, is, is there any love that will not make us broken hearted?
Wise people say that there must be two contradictory things in something, to follow natural law about binary opposition? Love makes people happy in one certain time, and unhappy in another time. Love gives people sweet memories when they spend their precious time with the one they love, and bitter memories when they have to be away from the loved one.
When Ebit G. Ade said in his song, "Apakah ada bedanya, ketika kita bertemu, dengan saat kita berpisah, sama-sama nikmat, tinggal bagaimana kita menghayati..." No unhappiness ... no bitterness ... though we are away from the one we love. Or we just deceive ourselves by saying, "It's ok to be away from you, darling, coz I already have you on my mind, in my heart and my soul." Who is willing to be away from the one they love, I am wondering ...
I assume that I must agree that love is so powerful in someone's life.
But, to agree with what Emily Dickinson said ... well ... ... ...

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