Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Untamed One by Ronda Thompson

The Untamed One Book two in in Wild Wulfs of London
Author Ronda Thompson
Paranormal romance shape-shifter
Mass paperback 311
No authors website She has now passed on.

Book Description
Running from angry villagers and the man who ravaged her, the witch Lucinda flees into the forest to have her child. But Lord Jackson Wulf hunts her down, believing her death will break the family curse that transforms him into a monster. Instead of killing the witch, Jackson is moved by her beauty and desperate plight. And Lucinda seizes the chance to find safety for herself and her babe when a bargain is struck between this outcast woman and this doomed man—and sealed by their marriage in name only…

In return for his protection, Lucinda has promised that her magick can free Jackson from his torment. But this pretty witch soon finds herself in danger of being seduced by Jackson’s charms and pursued by the man who would see both her and her child dead. Can she trust a Wulf with her safety and the safety of her child? Can she trust her heart to Jackson? To surrender to a Wulf is a terrible risk, for love will either unleash the beast within the man...or finally set him free

Laurie's reivew

Good follow up from book one, The Dark One. This is the same historical paranormal so if you like either one you should enjoy this one. This book starts out really good. As we learned in the first book Jackson is a woman’s man and drinks heavy. He left to find and kill a witch, in hopes of getting rid of the family curse. In this book Jackson is being chased by the angry villagers and finds himself in a witch’s cabin. She is all alone and giving birth to a baby. Jackson agrees to help her as long as he gets to kill her after ward and he keeps the baby. Things go wrong and he ends up letting her and the baby go.

Lucinda, finds Jackson family home. She is thinks he didn’t make it out of his predicament, so she tells his family a lie, that she has given birth to Jackson’s kid and she is now his wife. She is now sitting pretty until one night she wakes up to someone getting into her bed. Well its not her bed it was Jackson’s before she took over. So you can guess who is getting into the bed. Now how does she make it out of the predicament she has created and does Jackson still want to kill her.

This is a good easy read. My biggest problem with this book is Lucinda. She is another one that is over the top with thinking Jackson doest want her. Jackson shows all the signs that he wants more than just romance, but she never looks past her nose. This kind of gets old after the middle of the book and then as you get to the end its really old.

I read these in order but you can read them out of order
Reading order
1. The Dark One
2. The untamed One
3.The Cursed One
4. Anthology Midnight Pleasures
5.Anthorlogy Love at first Bite

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