Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Guest Author Maria Zannini

Please welcome author Maria Zannini

My Husband, the Zombie

Everybody has secrets. In my latest novel, True Believers, the hero, Taelen Jessit is keeping a dangerous one. He can see his 'gods' in their ethereal state. Ordinarily that would be a pretty sweet deal, except for the fact that men with such a gift are summarily castrated. (Talk about a rough health care system.)

My heroine has a secret too. She's a near-immortal, a Nephilim who would be exterminated on sight if anyone knew of her existence.

Even Bubba, the Artificial Intelligence (which Ronda seemed to love) is keeping a secret. He's not just a super smart computer. Bubba has become sentient, and is beginning to understand the concept of free will. Can you imagine a computer with free will running our defense systems?

True Believers is a story full of secrets. I've discovered to my horror that life indeed imitates fiction. My very own husband had been holding out on me. I was stunned and a little nervous when Greg made his wicked confession.

Was it another woman? A secret bank account? A criminal record?

Ha! Nothing so mundane.

He wants to be a Zombie.

I thought he was kidding at first. But the clues were in front of me the whole time.

• His routine is mind-numbingly dull. Get up. Shower. Go to work. Eat. Sleep. (Sound familiar?) If that's not Zombie behavior, I don't know what is.

• He craves meat. Okay, so it's not human flesh. But I got a little worried once while he watched me get undressed. I swear that was the same look he wore when he eyed the pot roast I pulled out of the oven. Coincidence? I don't know.

• Lack of communication skills. He grunts a lot. What's worse is that I am beginning to understand his vocabulary of grunts.

• The Zombie Shuffle. Well, he limps. Does that count?

Being a good wife, I listened patiently (while I polished the shotgun) as he explained why he wanted to be a Zombie.

"For the TV show", he says. "The Walking Dead. There's a contest where you can win a walk-on role in The Walking Dead."

"You want to be on TV?"

"Sure! That would be so cool."

I breathed a sigh of relief knowing I wasn't going to find my brain half eaten on any given morning. But it was far worse than I thought. Greg didn't want to be a real Zombie. He wants to be an actor.

Hmm…now where the heck did I put that shotgun?

Your turn: Have you ever had a super secret desire to do something crazy? Should I be worried about Greg? I'll admit, I think he has the chops to be a great Zombie. He even comes with his very own Zombie Dog.


How could I not hold a mini-giveaway after a revelation like that? Leave me a comment, and if you'd like to win a copy of True Believers, add your email address. I will choose one winner from the comments on November 22nd.

Maria Zannini's latest release is a science fiction romance called TRUE BELIEVERS.

Mix one cynical immortal and one true believer and throw them into the biggest alien-hunt the world has never known. Rachel Cruz is a Nephilim masquerading as an archeologist and she's stuck with an alien who believes she can lead him to his ancestral gods. Black Ops wants to find these gods too. They want them dead.

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Blog Tour Contest! Every time you leave a comment, tweet or mention "Maria Zannini" anywhere with a link to my blog, your name goes in the hat for a chance to win a Texas sized prize. Go here for more information.

STOP THE PRESSES! Round Two in Writing With The Stars has begun! Maria has made it to the second round of the Kensington Contest. She would be oh so grateful if you could vote for her novel, Mistress Of The Stone. (Maria is the one with the very cute puppy.) Every vote, tweet and nudge is hugely appreciated. Thanks, everyone!

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