Sunday, March 20, 2011

Interview with author Amanda E. Alvarez

Please welcome Amanda Alvarez author of Hunting Human!

Amanda would you please tell us a little about yourself?
Amanda: I'd say I'm pretty average.  I'm 29, I live in Dallas, TX with my two (extremely spoiled) cats.  I work as a lawyer during the day and sometimes, when I'm really lucky, I have the time and energy to write at night and on the weekends.

Laurie-What inspired you to write?
 Amanda:  I'm not sure inspired is necessarily the right word.  Writing wasn't a childhood ambition for me and while I always enjoyed writing in school I never seriously considered it as a potential career choice.  I can say that I have always loved reading - particularly during times of high stress.  Books provide such a wonderful escape.  I suppose it was only a matter of time before I asked one 'what if' question too many and started creating stories of my own.  From there I considered it a challenge to see if I actually could write a book.

Laurie-Out of all the books you wrote, do you have a few that holds a special place in your heart. How about your heroes and heroines, do you have a favorite among them?
 Amanda:  Hunting Human is the the first book I ever wrote.  It was the first plot that came to mind and Beth was the first heroine I envisioned, so naturally that book will always hold a special place in my heart.  I learned a lot writing (and rewriting!) Hunting Human and I suspect those lessons and discoveries will be with me for every future book I write.  But when it comes to character?  I'll say that Chase is the one that fascinates me the most.

Laurie-What are some of your favorite authors and some of your favorite books you’ve read?
 Amanda:  My reading habits have been all over the place over the years but there are a select few books that I find myself going back to time after time.  Lightning by Dean Koontz is a favorite. (romance, time travel and a strong heroine, what's not to love?)  Harry Potter captivated me from the very beginning and I always discover something new to love when I read the series again. 

Laurie-What was your favorite part of writing Hunting Human?
 Amanda:  Finishing it?  It sounds funny but it's the truth.  The best part about writing that book was discovering that I could do it in the first place.  But the scenes I enjoyed writing the most were the scenes between the Edwards siblings, they always surprised me.

Laurie-Are you going to write more about the rest of the Edwards characters and make this a series? I know I would love for you to.
Amanda:  Yes!  I absolutely intend the continue the series with Caleb, Lucy and Chase.

Laurie-Do you have a reason you picked Portland as a setting?
Amanda:  I did a lot of research on cities along the upper west coast and Portland just had the right feel for what I was looking for.

Laurie-Do you have a favorite quote in Hunting Human? If so what?
Amanda:  Not off the top of my head, though I really enjoyed writing Lucy and Chase's banter.

Laurie-About how long did it take you from witting to having Hunting Human published?
Amanda:  I finished the book in March of 2010 and I sold it to my publisher, Carina Press, in August of the same year, but writing the book took quite a bit longer.  I got the first vague idea for the book in 2006.  I let it rattle around for about two years before I wrote anything down.  I wrote the first couple of chapters in the fall of 2008, took a lot of writing courses, learned a lot, and plotted the idea fully in early 2009.  But the vast majority of the book I wrote in July and August of 2009.  I let it sit for a while in the fall of '09 then spent most of the winter putting myself through the editorial process.  So from first vague idea to the acquisition call I guess it took about four years.  :)

Laurie-Would you tell us a little of what you’re working on next?
Amanda:  My current work in progress is a romantic suspense with strong paranormal elements.

Fun questions
What your favorite color?
A:  Green, to me it's a happy, energetic color.

Do you have any pets?
A:  I have one regular sized cat with stripes and one jumbo sized cat with spots.  They own me and they know it.

What your favorite movie and TV show?
A:  Tough questions!  I could never pick a favorite movie because I love movies for so many different reasons.  Some are beautiful to watch, some make you think, some have excellent writing - picking a favorite would be like picking a favorite sort of chocolate.  I've got room on my plate to savor them all!  As far as TV goes I don't have as much time to watch as I might like, but there are a few shows I really enjoy.  I watch Supernatural with a really good friend of mine - burgers, beers and boys are always a good way to end the week!  I've also recently discovered Criminal Minds and I find the show fascinating.

Do you have a favorite food or place to eat?
A: Not especially, I like most types of food and just enjoy going out with friends in general.  I will say that I have a sweet tooth so a restaurant with a good dessert (chocolate!) is always a winner with me.  

Places to find Amanda

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