Monday, October 3, 2005

Some People...

I have a counter on my site. I added it because I already have an account with StatCounter (a free site that I like quite a bit) and it was easy to do. I'm mostly interested in my business Web site (Chicago Comic Conventions), to see how many people are clicking on it, where they're coming from (to see if my advertising is effective), and how many pages they look at.

With this site, though, I don't really get enough hits in the day to make it so interesting, and this is not a money-making enterprise (well, to tell you the truth, neither is the convention). But the one very cool thing the counter does is that it will tell me what keywords people use to get to this site. There have been a few for "romance comics" and a lot for my post on ACG's "Truvision", but the majority have been for (and I'm sure you'll never guess what)... porn.

Well, not porn so much as "booty". I used the word as a title for my Wizard World Chicago purchases, and man... there's a lot of people looking for booty (and I bet most of them aren't interested in my kind).

There have also been some for interracial porn (I don't know how they got here from that), 50s porn, and, of course, manga porn.

Who would've guessed that there were that many people looking for naked pictures on the Internet?

(That's sarcasm, people.)

Of course, with this post, even more people are going to be coming here looking at this site.

My mother would be so proud of me.

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