Thursday, July 2, 2009

I'm 30. There I said it.

And here I thought that I'd have accomplished more by my 30th birthday. I thought I'd at least have a literary agent, maybe own a house, and possibly have my credit card debt paid off.

Yeah, I have done none of these things.

I do have two or three unpublishable novels under my belt, I job I like but don't love, and a rental house that my landlord hates to keep up with the repairs on.

I do have a loving husband and family and great friends in a city I love despite its flaws. I have an online social network that takes me the way I am, quirks and all. I have a growing blog that I am happy with and that gives me the outlet I never knew I needed.
(Thanks for reading my self-indulgent wanking. You only turn 30 once. Thank God.)

Lastly, I have faith and confidence that someday I'm going to get those things I wanted.

It's just not going to be today.

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