Sunday, September 11, 2011

Review The Shaman's Beacon by R.M. Brand

Title: The Shaman's Beacon
Author: R.M. Brand
Source: Author request
Genre: Paranormal romance - shape-shifter

Linda Menendez vacations to Lander, Wyoming and meets Clayton McIntyre, a Texas cowboy who insists he’s a werewolf. He’s a shaman too, complete with a talisman. She ain’t buying it, until that woo-woo turns into whoa-whoa when she sees a wolf being skinned alive. And not just any old wolf, a werewolf. Despite the implications of that, she won’t sit idly by while their corpses are dumped around the small town in Wyoming she’s fallen in love with. She’ll fight back no matter what it takes, but Clayton doesn’t like that one bit. He’ll hog tie her to keep her safe. But then who will keep him safe?

Clayton recognizes his true mate, Linda, the moment they meet. The picture she carries around is him in wolf form, though she refuses to believe it. He mates with her, bonding her to him, and takes her on a shamanic journey to help her accept who she is and the truth about him. But Linda is one very stubborn woman, especially when she decides to take on the pack’s enemies, including a militia led by a fanatic half-blood intent on skinning weres into extinction. No matter how much Clayton tries to convince her that she can trust him, the woman keeps putting herself in harm’s way. If he can’t get her to slow down she’ll end up in the scrap pile right along with him.

This story really surprised me. I really enjoyed it a lot. I liked the Indian heritage that was brought to the plate and I really enjoyed the mystery and suspense that came with the story. This is one hot read with one hot shaman shape-shifter being a bit on the dominate side, but again what can you expect when you’ve been waiting for a mate for quite a few years. I did enjoy the characters even those that were evil.

Clayton and Linda has all the makings of a good romance, but they do have some tension that builds and tries to split them apart, but fate will win out. These two were great to read even with the tension. The sex is hot and so is their passion for each other in time of need.

If your one for a hot paranormal romance read with some awesome tension that will have you wondering how all of this is going to fall together. This might be for you.

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