Monday, May 23, 2011

So You Want To Be A Young Corinthian?

So You Want To Be A Young Corinthian?

From the desk of Henry Prescott, Viscount Carmichael
Young Corinthian Training: Phase Two 
Operative Candidates:
First, let me congratulate you on your recruitment. Very few are found to be worthy of consideration for inclusion in the Young Corinthians. It is a great honor and privilege that, should you succeed in securing, requires complete devotion to country and crown. I trust that you have considered such a commitment with the time and attention it deserves.
You have been required to abide by Corinthian rule during your field training. No less than twelve men failed to progress to this point—and I can guarantee that more will follow after this, the second step toward becoming an agent.
As you no doubt already understand, much is expected of a Corinthian agent. The scenario below is designed to test your ability to quickly assess a situation, extract the relevant information, and make a sound decision. Your task is to read the scenario and the following descriptions of the suspects and post in the comments whom you believe is the traitor. An incorrect answer will mean your expulsion from training and the end of your Young Corinthian career.

Setting: The Beauforte’s annual garden party, London
Time of day: Half past two o’clock in the afternoon

Madame Beauforte’s second cousin, Comte de Ville, is recently arrived from the Continent. Suspected of possessing ties to Napoleon’s sympathizers, intelligence suggests he is in England—and at the party--for the sole purpose of retrieving sums meant to support the emperor’s war efforts. In addition to capturing the Comte and securing the funds, you must identify the comte’s contact—all without any of the party guests’ knowledge. Four suspects are in attendance, none of whom you’ve met personally or have prior knowledge of. Therefore, it will be necessary for you to review the dossiers below and choose the individual you believe to be the traitor.

The Suspects:
Chloe Gerard. A housemaid to the Beauforte family, young Chloe Smith escaped the life of a prostitute in Paris and sailed for England with an eye toward the future. She found employment with the Beaufortes through the Comte—a former client who paid well and had no interest in beating her—unlike all the others. Contacts within the household report that Gerard claims no loyalty to France, though her affection for the Comte is noteworthy. Last seen in the kitchens, pocketing the key to the larder.

Lord Davenport. The twelfth earl gambled away his family’s wealth and has been desperately searching for a wealthy woman—to no avail. Recently discovered making discreet inquiries to known French agents concerning his situation. A vain man and spineless individual, Davenport’s courage is minute, his preference for a privileged life enormous. Last seen at the party half-way to being in his cups and discussing politics with a potted palm.

Lord Pembroke. A decorated Young Corinthian agent, Pembroke is recently returned from the Continent where he infiltrated a Napoleon spy cell. Reports suggest his involvement with one of the female spies captured in France went to dangerous lengths—which would account for his rather somber state. Last seen at the party in the library, stealthily avoiding a certain Lady Crenshaw while perusing a leather-bound edition of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War.

Lady Crenshaw. Societal maven and former ex-lover of Lord Pembroke, Lady Crenshaw is known for two things: hosting one of the most salacious annual balls and her impressive appetite for revenge. Upon reading Pembroke’s missive ending their affair, Crenshaw confronted Pembroke and threatened to ruin him, a vague mention of his “clandestine” activities suggesting she possesses some knowledge of the Young Corinthians. Last seen searching for Pembroke above stairs, a lace-trimmed handkerchief in one hand, a dirk in the other.

Choose Well!

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