Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Interview with paranormal romance author Caris Roane + giveaway international

Please welcome paranormal romance author Caris Ronae here on Bitten today!!

Laurie-Hello, Caris! I want to thank you for letting me pick your brain again LOL. First I have to know who’s the couple in book 4? You’re killing me with the cover because so far all of your covers have men with wings and this cover has a woman with wings, so who is it??? PPPLEASSEE!!

Cairs-You should know by now it takes so little to prompt me to share anything about my Guardians of Ascension series.  Book #4, which is BORN OF ASHES, is Warrior Jean-Pierre and his woman, Fiona, who you have already met in WINGS OF FIRE!  I can hardly wait for you to read the fourth book, because of all my warriors, Jean-Pierre is the most tender.  He also has a killer French accent!

Laurie-Why did you choose to write romance?

Cairs-It’s all Jane Austen’s fault!  She may be considered a literary icon, but for me she told great romances!  The truth is, I’m a sucker for a happily ever after story, one in which the hero and heroine have some serious growing to do but once they get there, the passion is amazing and you have a real belief that this couple is going to make it over the long haul.

Laurie-What was the most difficult thing you had to do in writing this series?

Cairs-Raising the bar again and again!  By book #3, I could see how easy it would be to fall into the trap of repetition.  So, even with some of the usual elements I include in each story, like ‘spectacle’ or  ‘bonding elements’ or ‘preternatural power’, I found that it became critical to change things up with every book and to make sure that each story had plenty of surprises for the reader.  So, yeah, keeping things fresh and moving forward in interesting ways has been the most challenging.

Laurie-What was the easiest thing you had to do in writing this series?

Cairs-Well, actually, to be quite honest, *blushing*, I think it’s been the love scenes.  Once I have a strong feeling about my hero and heroine, the scenes where they are together in a romantic, physical way just seem to flow.  But what’s been so interesting to me about each couple is how different they are when it comes to the bedroom.  It’s been a surprise and an absolute delight.

Laurie-As you know I love your World of Ascension series and I know all about the hotness that you have going on in the books *still fanning self*, but I am sure I have a few followers that knows nothing about your series, so would you tell them a little about it?

Cairs-Here’s my Guardians of Ascension soup-stock recipe:  TAKE a band of hunky vampire warriors with wings, ADD heroic women with emerging power in need of protection from the enemy, FOLD IN desperate situations because the villainous Commander Greaves is intent on taking over both Mortal Earth and Second Earth, THEN ADD a world of six ascending dimensions and SPRINKLE LIBERALLY with heinous death vampires who must survive on dying blood or perish.  Finally, GARNISH with one snarky, profane, Amazonian woman, who is extremely fashion-challenged, but who serves as the Supreme High Administrator of all of Second Earth.  Serves:  unlimited!

Laurie-Do you have a favorite hunky warrior yet? If so who?

Caris-My favorite warrior is always the one I’m writing at the moment, so that means I’m totally into Thorne right now.  But when I go back and read the stories of the four preceding him, I’m right there, in love with each all over again!  So the real answer is no, of course not!!!  No favorites here!

Laurie-Now, on to the love scenes *clears throat* no, I’m not going to ask how you prepare for them, nope so not going there LOL. I want to ask do you have a favorite love scene between a couple in this series? I know each couples are different when it comes to these scenes and as you write them they become a part of your life in return they really stick in your head and heart, so I’m hoping you have an extra special scene that really stuck with you.

Cairs-Well, it’s not that it’s my absolute favorite love scene of the series, but it’s one that surprised me in the funniest way.  I had finished WINGS OF FIRE in November of 2010.   But I didn’t work on the revisions until the following March, so I’d been away from the book for awhile.  I’m reading along, and I get to a scene where Antony says, (P. 233) “I’d ask you to open your eyes and look at me, but I have something different in mind.”  (This is the love scene that takes place in the turret room.  OH, you’re blushing again!  Well, you asked!)  But here’s my point, when I read that sentence after four months away from the book, honest-to-God, I had no idea what Antony was talking about.  I couldn’t remember what I’d written!   So, I read on completely anxious to find out what Antony was going to do to Parisa!  I thought that was pretty awesome because it meant that when I originally created that love scene, I was soooo in the moment, that I just went with it.  I think it’s a great scene because he coaxes Parisa to use one of her special powers!  Man-oh-man, I wish I could bestow on all your readers even one of these paranormal adventures!  Wouldn’t that be amazing!

Laurie-What’s been the best thing that has happened since you became a writer?

Cairs-Meeting people like you!  You’ll probably think that’s cheezy, but it’s really true…assuming of course that you’re not asking about the writing itself, which is also an amazing experience.  But what I’ve truly come to treasure are the people I’ve met along the way, those wonderful people who have extended themselves to me in super-generous ways, whether expressing their delight in my work, or whether it’s a fellow author who can commiserate on the darker days, or fans who can’t get enough!  That kind of interaction and feedback has been awesome!

Laurie-Can you give us a sneak peek of what’s to come? Anything juice?

Cairs-Oh, boy, Laurie!  I’ll refer back to the answer I offered earlier when I said it’s all about raising the bar!  When I began Thorne’s book, I wanted something really special that would take this wonderful man from a place of despair and rage, to one of tremendous growth, and that’s exactly what happens to him in OBSIDIAN FLAME.  I mean, I love where he ends up soooo much on every possible level!  But it’s with his woman that I’m pleased the most, because they have a new shared power that takes their passionate love  to a whole new level…*growwlll*!  I’ll take a risk here, and share a couple more details.  As you know, in my series, deep-mind engagement is part of the experience between a warrior and his woman and I’m sure you know how great that is for them, how much pleasure it brings them.  But in Thorne’s book, their shared emerging power takes place within each of their minds and I describe that power in great detail.  But low and behold, that power has another application.  Without going into too much detail and ruining the surprise, I’ll just add that Thorne is able to enter this new power of hers, just as she can enter his, and the result is absolute FIREWORKS!

Was that juicy enough?!?

Today, I’ll be giving away a signed copy of the winning commenter’s choice of:  ASCENSION, BURNING SKIES or WINGS OF FIRE! Giveaways is international!

You can find me at carisroane.com , at twitter.com/#!/carisroane, or you can contact me at carisroane@gmail.com.

For those of you who want to share, do you know what I’d love to hear about today--what characters have you come to love in your favorite paranormal books?  This character can be anyone from any book that comes to mind, from any author, just be sure to tell me what it was about that character that really touched you!

Finally, thank you, Laurie, so much for having me here today!
Blessings, Caris

Caris Roane Bio:

Caris Roane has loved paranormal elements in romance for decades and some of her earliest novels included vampires as well as characters from Greek mythology.  Having been published for over two decades, she was thrilled to receive the Romantic Times 2005 Career Achievement Award in Regency Romance.
In recent years, she tackled the warrior vampire myth creating a world made up of ascending dimensional earths.  Second Earth, a global society caught in a deadly war, is the world of the vampire and for some mystical, magical reason, her vampires appeared with enormous beautiful wings.  Flight now forms an integral part of every novel of her Guardians of Ascension series.    
Because writing is both a lifestyle and a passion, Caris spends part of every day writing.
She lives in Arizona with her two cats, Gizzy and Sebastien. 

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