Friday, June 3, 2011

Don't Get Tagged...

...before next Tuesday, or you'll miss out on the fun! For that is the day Possession will be available in bookstores and for digital download! Yay!
I've already pre-ordered my Nook edition. I haven't been this excited since this little book came out. You should be excited, too, if you haven't been living in a cave on the moon with your eyes closed and your fingers in your ears. Want a chance to win a copy? Don't miss this awesome giveaway event!

I love dystopian books the same way I love alternate histories. It's fun to see just how far a society will go in the pursuit of perfection, and in the world of Possession, that means strict control. What do you like about dystopian novels? I'd love to hear it!

Whatever you're reading—dystopian, paranormal or epic fantasy, YA or adult—I hope it satisfies. Have a great weekend, y'all!

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