Sunday, June 13, 2010

Recommendation of the Week: 06/13/10 - 06/20/10

'In For A Penny' by Rose Lerner
No more drinking. No more gambling. And definitely no more mistress. Now that he's inherited a mountain of debts and responsibility, Lord Nevinstoke has no choice but to start acting respectable. Especially if he wants to find a wife-better yet, a rich wife. Penelope Brown, a manufacturing heiress, seems the perfect choice. She's pretty, rational, ladylike, and looking for a marriage based on companionship and mutual esteem.
But when they actually get to Nev's family estate, all the respectability and reason in the world won't be enough to deal with tenants on the edge of revolt, a menacing neighbor, and Nev's family's propensity for scandal. Overwhelmed but determined to set things right, Nev and Penelope have no one to turn to but each other. And to their surprise, that just might be enough."Source
-Read an excerpt: here

-This is the debut book by Miss Lerner and has already received some serious praise all across the board. Make sure you pick up your copy and give it a good read!

This is your Recommendation for the Week of June 13th,2010 thur June 20th,2010
Until Next Post<3...

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